Thursday, December 22, 2011

Duties of Sadhak

I remember , Param Poojya Shri Guru Dev used to say that a Sadhak should follow the below instructions in order to achieve liberation or Peace:

* Sadhak has to wakeup before Brahma Muhurta everyday. He should never miss Brahma Muhurt even a day.
* Sadhak should strictly follow the orders of his GURU .
* Sadhak should constantly remember his GURU 24 hours a day.
* Sadhak should perform his duties as directed by GURU.
* Sadhak should be self-disciplined.
* Sadhak should not wander and loose his goal.
* Sadhak should contribute at least 5% of his income to charitable organizations
* Sadhak should devote his Body, Mind, Wealth in serving his GURU.
* Sadhak should write Spiritual Dairy every day before going to sleep.

(Note: This is not a complete compilation)

1 comment:

surrender-to-guru said...

So beautiful brother. The duties were put so ssuccinctly and beautifully. Thanks for sharing with us.

Sri Guru's Chela,
Ravi B